Monday, August 15, 2011

Texas: At Least the Sky is Bigger Here

So, I moved to Texas. Not on a whim or anything, so don't get excited. I moved here for school.

I love it. Texas, that is. (School hasn't started yet.)

Everyone knows the saying, "Everything is bigger in Texas." I think I know why they (the Texans) think this: the one thing that is undeniably bigger is the sky and perhaps that is why everything else seems to follow suit.

I've never seen quite so much blue stretching in such an unfathomably wide area. It's overwhelming, not to mention when there are 7 different types of clouds in the sky at one time and 70 bajillion different colors coming and going during sunrise and sunset. I'd say it makes the whole believing in God by simply seeing His creation a bit easier.

Ok, my bragging on Texas is over. Don't worry. I still think the rolling mountains of east Tennessee are magnificent, but this is a nice change.

Now a quick update on what I've been doing since I've come to Texas. I drove down from TN to TX (I only live in T-states) last Thursday - about a 13 hour drive. No big. Since then, I have been getting used to the area and have also started my internship at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX.

For those of you who didn't know or I simply didn't get the chance to tell, I was offered and have accepted a position as an intern for the junior high ministry at the central (main) campus. There I will be doing a variety of things from making sure everything runs smoothly on Sunday mornings, to making follow-up calls to new students visiting the student ministry, working on video editing for events and services, having lunch with the junior high kids and attending their various sporting and school events at local schools, and doing pretty much whatever the junior high minister needs me to do. Today, for example, I started binding the junior high devotionals for the fall semester (well, at least running the machine that binds them). Not the most exhilarating job, but this is it: this is interning. I know I'm going to be given much more opportunity to do much bigger stuff, but for day one it kept me busy.

That's about it for now. I won't tell you everything so that I have something to blog about tomorrow. Yeah, tomorrow. I've been consistent with my new workout routine, so I'm going to try to be consistent with blogging too. We'll see how both of those go. (And I'll never hear the end of it from Chelsey if I don't start blogging more often.)

Shalom and good night friends.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Long time, No blog

I keep checking my blog reader for new updates and blogs from my friends but no one seems to be writing this week so I thought I would.

Today was refreshing. Here's why: I started off the day with the kind of "quiet time" that I rarely get to do all in one sitting. I read the Word, had a time of worship (not so quiet), and then prayed for a while. I usually have my time with God everyday, but more often than not, should I try to have a quiet time such as today's, I am interrupted by someone or something on my schedule. So it was cool for once to be able to take as long as I wanted with no meetings or errands to run that would interrupt my time.

Another quenching time of my day was to be back at the church in which I grew up and to see old friends and hear a good message. We studied Paul's last Journey from the Holy lands to Macedonia and back (Acts 20).

I long to have the "freedom" that Paul did. I put freedom in quotes because Paul was never free from persecution, but instead found his freedom in the Spirit and followed its direction no matter what - even when his friends pleaded with him to hang around and avoid going back to Jerusalem. How AWESOME it must have been to go from city to city sharing the Gospel and practicing his own trade of tent-making in order to fund his travels.

Paul's testimony gives me great courage and excitement to go out and share the Truth with everyone. I'll admit that I need to get myself a little more organized before I do so (or else I'm just all over the place trying to explain the Gospel) but I'm anxious and excited to move to Texas and start there. Then on to Russia, maybe the Ukraine, and who knows where else!

The truth is not out there to find - I've already found it! Now it's up to me and you to go and help others find the Truth - the One, the Only, Jesus Christ.

Good night for now.

Check the twitter feed and blog for updates about my adventures in Plano, Texas and Prestonwood Baptist over the next few days. I'm in the final stages of hopefully being hired for an internship with the Student Ministry there and am very excited about the opportunity should it be in His will. Prayers would be appreciated!

Location:Jackson Ave,Carthage,United States